Those forgotten times
It looks like I have [my Instagram] back.
But foreseeably, it is a wasteland.
Last image: 10w, 50w, over a hundred weeks.
All the Americans probably went, when Zuckerberg kicked the DEI initiatives.
I have deleted some posts in this blog. Not because I am ashamed for having posted it
or because I am afraid of having it up, it is because I had a good long thought about times gone and people gone.
Today is the last time I mention the foreigners of the current times.
If you did something good for me back then, know that I was honestly thankful for it and still am.
But know also, that the function of the last action done is the one that colours all good deeds also counts
for you and not just for me. If I have been an ass, and I know I have, I am still sorry.
There is always two sides of every story, so what I had written here may have seemed like a lie to some,
but what counts is what we really deep down feel is the truth.
Not what we construe it to be for our own wellbeing.
Not what you have to tell yourself in order to survive. I have written, what I know is true.
I have also saved it offline, if I need it for some reason in the future.
And now it is yesterday's news.
Also, America is going to go, it is going to be a foreigner of today and tomorrow.
Crappy times for Europe and the world expected.
- TBS, 08 MAR 2025, no AI
Another thing I did not know just a year ago was, I would sit in 2025 and wish, not fear,
that the President's name overseas would be Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho.
Fuck me, we had it so good, when our biggest problem was Sarah Palin.
- TBS, 07 FEB 2025, no AI
There is a death in the family...
I have a friend in the hospital, who had been rushed to the ICU, and I had severe anxiety over, that he might not make it. Today it looks like he does, but he will have to stay in the hospital for weeks, if not months.
Since he is the last acceptable tie to my home country, it would be like losing a cherished family member.
It was him, who, with his insider knowledge of the area I grew up in, made me sure of that what I thought was bad, really was bad. He confirmed certain things that I feared I just had misunderstood, did happen in a form that would warrant my experience. It was a painful reconnection, but finally I was not a liar and a histrionic anymore, things -were- actually this bad.
[ ... (deleted from posterity, ask me in person)]
All the things that came up, when I realised, the last connection to my home area could have died...
Also, today, my other friend told me, her Dad died unexpectedly yesterday morning.
They were very close as I understand. May his soul be blessed in transit, and she find peace in the sorrow.
- TBS, 25 JAN 2025, no AI
After a severely craptacular few days, hitting the streets with O. was such a blessing.
Love you, O., love your honesty, and your big heart. The spirits be with us :)
- TBS, 18 JAN 2025, no AI
So, while we wait for the rerun:
We know. Also, I am Batman.
But honestly, having Elon Musk to be more stupid about his sockpuppets than me was not on my card for 2025 :P
ADDED: And so, I find this article in The Spectator, that an Adrian Dittmann actually exists. I have not read
the Spectator article, because it is paywalled, but I read elsewhere, that AD is supposedly a German, and his rich family moved to Fiji with him.
He also was somehow connected to the Musk Foundation in 2021.
So, after doing a lot of really atrociously stupid stuff as of late, (sorry to my friend with the Tesla stock, not referring
to his ability to bring together and pay people to do cool stuff), now EM has trolled us all in ways, not even ChatGPT could have dreamt up?
Unless of course the real A. Dittmann did allow for Elon to use his Xitter account and name somewhere,
because Elon did lapse and fell out of character a lot on the Dittmann Xitter account, but there is a Facebook account of an Adrian Dittmann from Fiji with photos on.
Or that female Spectator journalist is really Stephen Glass from a parallel universe, in which he was not found out.
Or, we find out some new completely crazy shit about this here.
At least, we are entertained or something.
Adrian Dittmann, maybe:
- TBS, 05 JAN 2025, no AI
Asshole went to fucking psycho
Yes, Elon.
This fucking sack of shit praises the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland) as the only good option
after Olav Scholz.
Couple of hours later an Elon fan and AfD praiser drives a car into the Christmas market of Magdeburg,
killing (as per this date, in the evening CET) 4 people and injuring several dozens. And no peep so far
from the rancid load of TRT-mired lard on, how that was not what he wanted to see.
- TBS, 21 DEC 2024, no AI
Red went to green
Yes, Syria.
So, four days after, and I still cannot really collect my thoughts about Syria. It is good that this dog finally was kicked out, and it is even better
that it happened without, say, American troops help. This way there might be a chance for Syria not ending up as Afghanistan II.
Because fuck, did I cry for Afghanistan, when the last plane left the country with the last lucky people on it, when women threw their
newborns over the fence for Americans to catch, and how people hanging themselves to the plane on its way out. That thud, when the last one fell to
And I was moved by, how happy Syrians at the border looked, when they realised that the dog had his tail between his legs and ran to Mother Russia.
And as a German, when I saw the pile of shoes at that absolutely concentration camp of a prison (Sednaya), I didn't even know what I was feeling, except
it was -intense- When members of the Islamist group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham opened the cell doors, shouting "You are all free, you can leave freely"
People using hand tools to break through the concrete for secret entries. That child, that probably was born in that prison. People running to the
hospitals, looking for their relatives from the prison. I cannot even begin to imagine how it must have felt to be a Syrian these days.
But I feared so much, it is going to be another turboIslamocratic country, in which women cannot even fucking speak on the streets. The al-Sham is an Islamic group.
But fuck me, I hear that leader Abu Mohammed al-Jolani speaking so calmly to a group of people, like a good Baba, and not shouting or bigly proclaiming victory.
He says, no one has anything to fear. And, unbelievably, there are women not in hijjab still.
I hope so much for Syria. It could be the biggest show since the Berlin Wall 1989 coming down and the cessation of the Cold War.
The hope was utterly palpable in the air and the World felt more open. Good things could happen.
Abu Mohammed al-Jolani claims he did a 180 in terms of Islamism, may that be true, and Godspeed to him and Mohammed al-Bashi.
Please let us have one Muslim country, where a revolution goes well.
- TBS, 11 DEC 2024, no AI
Blue went to red...
Det kunne have være så godt
hvis landet var forblevet blåt.
Because Dems were FAFO'ing around like a drunk Bambi on ice, the Orange won, as we all know.
And it will probably be good for the organisation I work for. My friend's stock rose and she made a metric fucktonnage of money.
The dollar is at a high, and everything just totally shines and glitters right now.
And for a person with at least somewhat of a conscience like me this is so weird. It is like the World suddenly says,
assholery not only pays off short term, it is good and noble.
Like, when those who work on containing the bad, the egomaniacs, the psychopaths, the narcissists,
the organisations and companies that pollute, actively renounce unions and use illegal practices, should just pack it in, because
the world goes shittier, when they keep on trying.
Do keep on murdering babies, have pregnant women die due to abortion bans, rape people, racketeer and swindle,
don't filter wastewaters, go frag and drill, baby, drill, keep religious fanatics in power and make the last CO2 eating tree into toilet paper,
we're at measly 430 ppm, and the human brain can tolerate up to 650-700, keep on throwing PFAS everywhere and support TEMU and Mondelez,
it is not just good, it is supposed to be like this, you're doing it right, it's the Noble Path.
It surely feels like it now more than ever.
I fully expect increases in bad behaviour, also here in DK, because the fabric of the times now encourages asshole behaviour
in daily life almost all over the Western World. And because things seem to go well for assholes these days, asshole behaviour will be justified.
I mean, the dollar became stronger, stock is rising, and my employer will probably increase activity even more,
so good people can stick their humane ideas of fairness and compassion up their arse, as far as I can see these days.
And if Zelenskyy gives Krim and half the Ukraine away, and the active war stops, if Kim Jong-un goes buddybuddy with Trump and stops
dropping missiles just short of Japan, you will not be able to exist as a person who sometimes also thinks of the next person.
That what saved the world in the couple of thousand years before will be forced away, empathy will be a deeply undesireable ability,
because empathy did not stop the war and the nuclear weapons manufacturing, assholes did by fraternising.
So, stop whining, spread your legs, lube your behind, because you will take it up the ass, if you're not an asshole.
It is the Age of the Asshole, Ego And Entitlement, so you better throw all decency over board,
and once you do, you will actually achieve everything you ever wanted.
In order to not be obliterated, you will have to become a sociopath, because sociopathy fixed the world.
That's the message the Universe seems to be sending us right now.
But rest assured, I am keeping tabs. The Age of the Asshole cannot last forever. If nothing else stops it, climate collapse will. And there will be
no amount of money and no bunker layout will save the assholes left.
The face-eating leopards are waiting...
- TBS, 10 NOV 2024, no AI
Oh, Japan, I still miss you much.
But at least now I have O.
O. is an immigrant to Denmark as I am, and she showed me Copenhagen, as she sees it.
We both had shitty stuff happening to us, when we were children, and we both had to evacuate the place we came from,
and we both sort fought our way through to becoming a part of the society here, working crummy jobs and going to school.
We walked up and down Christiania, Nordhavn, and a lot of other places, and I know the city better for it. The beauty of the harbour spaces.
The somewhat more hidden places at Christiania. Stuff to do around town, when one is alone and the walls are creeping in. O. is an
extrovert, and I am an introvert, so I see the city differently now. When I came back from Japan, Copenhagen did look different. It looked like
I could see the magic in the city, and I feared that would disappear, and it would become Crummy Copenhagen again,
but O. has shown me so much, I think Copenhagen has changed for the better permanently. I see the spirits now here the way I saw them in Japan.
O., I am so glad, you're showing me your Copenhagen and your world ♥ Everything is different now, and everything is better ♥♥♥
- TBS, 15 OCT 2024, no AI
Oh, Japan ...
... it is now three weeks since I left you. And I miss you. The nuttiness of Shinjuku, the awesome of Harajuku, the dreaminess of the streets of Kyoto, the sense of haste in the underground transits, the neon nightmare of Kabukicho, the muggy heat, the cicadas, the vending machines, the overpriced yakitori in Nishiki Market, the beauty of it all. Will we see eachother again?
Also, Nice Mobal sales clerk at Haneda, I hope you will find a new opportunity to use your German. And Danish travel group, may your studies in the martial arts be successful :)
- TBS, 26 AUG 2024, no AI